Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Day With Tilex

My husband and I got the day off yesterday to work on a few non kid friendly house projects. My mom (who is about to start school again) watched the girls all day so we could spend our day with tilex and paint.

It wasn't until last night that I finally started to smell clean air again. Or not feel totally stoned. But my floors look awesome. The kind of awesome where you can't stop looking at them. Kind of like when you get your eyebrows done and they are ALL YOU SEE.

When I dropped the girls off I happened to go to a garage sale. And I just happened to buy one of these......

Except mine only cost $20!!!!!!!!!! (And just so you know....I actually got the jeep BEFORE spending my day with tilex--shocking I know)

And a super cute Janie and Jack dress (for five bucks!) for my nearly SIX YEAR OLD.

Man, I used to think moms with school age kids were SO DIFFERENT. Well, I guess it's time to count me in. I'm a little sad, but I know she's ready. I just hope I am.

School starts next week.

And p.s. don't tell my daughters about the jeep. They don't know yet.....and I'm not sure when they will.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quick and Easy (and cheap!!!) Necklace!

Last week while on a trip to Michael's with my oldest, I found the Making Memories line of jewelry supplies. They're pretty cute with a funky vintage vibe. I have a ton of beads and findings in my desk right now but neither the time (well...) or inclination (YES) to work on any of it. But this little chain and pendant was calling my name.

(obviously I took the picture after I put them together)

Both were $2.49 each which seemed like a STEAL. Especially for Michaels.....

So for five bucks I was able to VERY QUICKLY come up with a necklace that's all my own! Or at least not sold at Forever 21 and worn by teeny boppers everywhere. And it gave me a boost in my self esteem for actually finishing something!!!