Despite our Southern Baptist background, we are big fans of Advent. I'm not sure why Baptists aren't more into celebrating the entire Christmas season. We spend half an hour every night with Bible readings, changing the day on the pocket calendar and opening the little doors on our other two advent calendars. We started this tradition 3 years ago when my husband's sister sent us a wreath and candle holders.
Our favorite Christmas book is Tasha Tudor's, A Book of Christmas. My aunt gave it to me one year and every year I loved peeking in the doors of the little Christmas village. Unfortunately the book is now out of print, but I'm sure it's on or somewhere similar. It's worth it if you can ever get your hands on a copy.

This time we spend together every night has become the most important part of the day for our family. We are hoping it grows into a quiet time once Christmas has passed. Our children have really enjoyed anticipating the coming of Christ with all of our little reminders. I know it's important to discuss the entire life of Jesus (birth to the cross) but at Christmas I like to marvel in the wonder of His being a baby. And how He came so humbly. There's such a sweetness about this time of year. Maybe it has something to do with having my own sweet little lovelies. Or maybe it's just the incredible story of how God sent His only Son down to earth to ultimately pay for our sins. And He came humbly as a little baby.